Šeimos namuose svarbiausia vieta - stalas. Sukūriau ir jam drabužėlį:
Galutinis variantas gavosi toks:
Crafts creations and ideas
Šeimos namuose svarbiausia vieta - stalas. Sukūriau ir jam drabužėlį:
Galutinis variantas gavosi toks:
Vasarą mano parduotuvėlėj yra low-season, tad galėjau užsiimti nėrimu, kaip hobiu.
Man labai gražu nertos staltiesės, nepaisant namų stiliaus, visur jos patinka - ne tik klasikiniuose namuose, bet kaip jauki "razinka" modernume, valgomajame, terasoj, ...šiltnamyje :) Problema su senovinėmis - jos nertos iš jautrių siūlų, reikia saugoti. Ilgai ieškojau siūlų, kad atlaikytų viską ir dar kristų sunkiai, kad neslankiotų stalu kartu su nuimama lėkšte.
Radau atsirinkau, išbandžiau dar pernai, naudoju negaliu atsidžiaugti - jau teko sėkmingai išplauti ir vyną, kavą, net spalvotą nuvarvėjusį vašką, rudeniop teko pelėsį, nes šiltnamyje vazonas ant stalo bėdos pridarė. Po tiekos išbandymų ir turėdama visą vasarą sau, prinėriau ir plačiajam pasauliui:
Mažesniąsias nertas staltieses galima rasti ten pat.
O čia pirmoji, siūlų testuotoja, tarnaujanti ir lauke ir šiltnamyje ir namie jau antrus metus:
This year Winter has come early - at the beginning of December already -15 ...
I am living in my own creations - Big thick icelandic wool leg warmers
These were dedicated for Halloween:
Best sales of Etsy Winter season 20/21 were... Felted knittings and crochets!
Almost of my blog readers are searching for ideas for their projectst,so I offer perfect yarn for such knittings - Wool yarn for felting
I tried various yarns, and selected this - spun in Lithuania, thin, gives an opportunity to mix colours, makes very beautiful feltings. Yarn is thin, so I use few balls at once - 3 for knitted leg warmers, 7-8 for chair pads and even 10 for rugs. Felting is easy -
1. stroke a bit in hot water with soap,
2. wash in washing machine short cycle (20 min) in warm water 40°C.
3. dry flat, iron with a steam.
What a year!... Everything is different... plans had to be changed, works ...recycled.
Every Summer my craft studio was turned into airbnb apartment. But in 2020 everything had to be changed because of quarantine. Tourists couldn't come because of safety of my old neighbours. My studio is situated in a beautiful part of Vilnius - Žvėrynas. In old times it was forest over the river for Lithuanian Dukes to hunt. Later it turned into district of wooden villas.
Now it is an upscale green residential neighbourhood of Vilnius. My studio is in one of such villas - about 100 years old. My neighbours - old lovely sisters, whose grandfather's brother built this villa before the WW2.
So, as almost all the world had to stay home, I had to beautify the households :) Lots of rugs, placemats, chair cushions, hammocks were made and flied to all over the world.
One of the items I made - was Chair cushions from recycled sheets from airbnb times:
Most of the items were made from recycled cotton ropes. Vig crochet rugs :