Ką tik baigiau vieną eksperimentą - pasidariau kurpalius vėlimui pati :)
Ieškodama pirkti, aptikau nemažai pardavinėjamų putplasčio kurpalių, tačiau jis man pasirodė pertrapus. Vat kietasis (ekstrudinis) putplastis sunkiai sutrupinamas. Kaimynystėje vykstančiose statybose pamačiau, kad tokį naudoja pamatų šiltinimui - storą storutėlį! Gavau atraižų ir įgyvendinau sumanymą:
I have just finished an experiment - made lasts for felting by myself:)
Looking for to buy shoe lasts (moldings), I found a lot of foam lasts, but they seemed so fragile. I wondered about lasts of solid (extruded) hard foam. I saw that in neighborhood construction workers use hard foam for foundation insulation - thick and hard! I got the strips and implement my idea:
Lengvai pjaustosi medžio pjūklu, paskui dailinau peiliu su dantukais, galiausiai pašlifavau stambiu, paskui smulkiu švitriniu popieriumi:
Hard foam is quite easy to cut with wood saw, then knife and finally to polish with large, then fine sandpaper:
Turiu 41 dydžio kurpalius! Užtrukau kelias valandas.
I have foam lasts for felting, size 41! It took me a few hours to make them.
In my Etsy shop you can find supplies for shoemaking and make your own shoes!
2011 m. lapkričio 24 d., ketvirtadienis
2011 m. lapkričio 16 d., trečiadienis
Coming up Christmas
For now - mail still will manage to carry up untill Christmas - WoolenClogs shop
Clogs of my favourite local Lithuanian or European wool.
Photo/video tutorial of such clogs will be ready soon... Make warmest gifts by your own hands!
Promises promises... And after 2 years Felted wool clogs tutorial video and pdf
Clogs of my favourite local Lithuanian or European wool.
Photo/video tutorial of such clogs will be ready soon... Make warmest gifts by your own hands!
Promises promises... And after 2 years Felted wool clogs tutorial video and pdf