Įsigijau verpimo ratelį, man naujas, bet realiai - senutėlis. Tas jam visiškai netrukdo atlikti savo darbo - iš visko sukti siūlą:) Bandymus dariau su lietuviška vilna, paskui prisiminiau beturinti sunkiai besiveliančio įvairių spalvų merinoso vilnos rinkinį. Ir štai mano eksperimentų rezultatai:)
I got myself a spinning wheel - to me it is new, but actually it is very old. Antique spinning wheel still works perfectly:) I was experimenting with lithuanian sheep wool. Later I remembered, that I have a big mix of merino wool tops, which wasn't very good for wet felting. So here are the results of hand spinning experiments on my "new" antique spinning wheel:)
2012 m. birželio 25 d., pirmadienis
2012 m. birželio 22 d., penktadienis
Nuno felted quilt tutorial

Jei naudositės šia ar kitomis mano pamokėlėmis gamindamos rankdarbius pardavimui - prašau prie savo parduodamo kūrinio įdėti tiesioginę nuorodą į mano pamokėlę. Taip pat prašau,kad pasisėmusios idėjų iš mano sukurtų rankdarbių, paminėtumėte idėjos šaltinį:)
This tutorial based projects you can sell online, but you must give me credit for the tutorial with a direct link to it or other my creations, which inspired you:) (found in my Etsy, Facebook, promoted/discussed on the blog or personal website).
In this video tutorial you will see, how to make an unusual patchwork using nunofelt technique. You can find such baby quilts of silk and merino wool here in my shop.Necessary materials - natural silk fabric patches and soft merino wool (16-18 mic). I use silk ponge, silk chiffon also can be used and chiffon is easier to felt into the wool, but it makes a bit diferent surface (smaller wrinkles and I love wrinkles:)).
1. Prepare patches, better with frayed edges - that is why it is better to rip the fabric instead of cutting.
3. Lay the paches "face down" - match colors, shapes, sizes. It is an interesting part - like a puzzle:)
4. Lay the wool, one layer along and second across.
5. Gently squeeze the wool with dry hands and pour soapy water. Cover your project with a buble wrap and squeeze the wool,until all gets wet. Stroke, squeeze, use tools for gently rolling if you have.
6. Flip your project on the other side. Carefully fix the patches if needed. and begin to roll. Gently roll 50 times from one side, and 50 from the other - without squeezing. Unroll, fix the patches if needed. Fibers of the wool went through the fabric it is your last chance to fix the patches. When you do it, roll again - 100-150 times from each side of the blanket. This time squeeze while rolling.
7. When fabric is felted in, you can begin fulling - stroking, washing, throwing - all these actions helps fibers to get through the fabric, surface of the silk side of your blanket becomes wrinkled,felted wool shrinks.
8. Rinse, dry and iron with a steam.
Thin but warm quilt of softest wool and natural silk - these natural and fine materials are so pleasant to touch, they are perfect for a baby:)
I wish you happy felting and great results!
Žolių burtai / Herbal witchcraft
Artėja vasaros solsticija - augalija žydi, skuba, kupa. Nuostabus augimo laikas, dievinu vešėjimą ir bujojimą:) tokiu laiku kyla noras burti - pataikyti į ritmą su gamta - auginti, kurti, spalvinti, ir kiek įmanoma sugauti tą žolių jėgą. Galbūt ne tik spalvą audiniai pagauna, bet ir kitas vertingas savybes perima? Jei augalais dažomame audinyje lieka pigmentas, turėtų likti ir gydomosios žolynų savybės.
Jonažolė - tradicinė gero ūpo vaistažolė nerimui ir depresijai gydyti. Tikiuosi pavyko į šilką ir medvilnę sugauti ne tik jos spalvą:)
Šilkas dažytas jonažolėmis pagavo daugiau žalios spalvos, medvilnė - geltonos.
Summer solstice is coming up. Flora is flourishing and thrives. I adore this time of the year with all this prosperity:) A bit of a witchcraft - I want to try to catch some of this greenery and flourishing and keep it.
St. John's wort is a herb of a good mood - traditionaly it is used as an antidepressant. I hope, that I caught into silk and cotton not only her color, but her herbal properties too.
Silk fabric dyed with St. John's wort became more green than yellow and cotton caught more of yellow tones.

Šilkas dažytas jonažolėmis pagavo daugiau žalios spalvos, medvilnė - geltonos.
Summer solstice is coming up. Flora is flourishing and thrives. I adore this time of the year with all this prosperity:) A bit of a witchcraft - I want to try to catch some of this greenery and flourishing and keep it.
St. John's wort is a herb of a good mood - traditionaly it is used as an antidepressant. I hope, that I caught into silk and cotton not only her color, but her herbal properties too.
Silk fabric dyed with St. John's wort became more green than yellow and cotton caught more of yellow tones.
2012 m. birželio 19 d., antradienis
Močiutės ratelis

Nusikėlėm nuo pirkios ratelį, nupūtėm dulkes - sukasi! Močiutei iškart ant liežuvio galo - kaip jaunystėj vakarais verpdavo, o bernai bandydavo siūlą nuo ratelio numest :) paskui namo lydėdavo. Ech kas būtų buvę, jei nebūtų baisus istorijos tankas pervažiavęs žavingų Dzūkijos kaimelių, didelių gražių jų šeimų... Jie Rudnioj dar prieš karą elektrą turėjo - vandens malūnas buvo pastatytas. Kai grįžo iš Sibiro, teko ir prie balanos verpt...

Pirmas kamuoliukas suverptas (supeštas, susuktas, bet vistiek siūlas :)))
2012 m. birželio 10 d., sekmadienis
Pasidaryk pats / Do it yourself
Planšetinio kompiuterio dėklo vėlimo pamokėlė. Naudota plonytė merino vilna, viršutinis sluoksnis - vilna maišyta su įvairiais, daugiausiai šilko, pluoštais.
Lesson (tutorial) of felted wool tablet sleeve. I made the sleeve of merino wool. Outside layer is made of batt made by me - merino wool mixed with mulberry silk, tussah silk and other fibres. If you like this sleeve, you can get it here .
Various handmade wool batts are now available in my ETSY store .
2012 m. birželio 4 d., pirmadienis

In this Spring, my sister bought few Lithuanian coarse sheep. She lives in a farmstead and already had goats with cute little goatlings. The first sheep was shorn and she gave me the wool to play with it :)))