2012 m. liepos 17 d., antradienis

Baby blanket "Sea"

Nuno felted sea-themed baby blanket is pastel very light and soft.
I made it out of hand-dyed cotton gauze, silk and merino wool. There is description of the blanket felting in my earlier blogpost. This blanket is easier to make than felted silk patchwork, as cotton gauze is very rare weaved fabric and felts in easily. Just small tufts of wool should be layed under the silk ponge (the gulls). It makes easier to felt in the silk.

I dyed cotton in rare blue "clouds", when white wool felts through the cotton it becomes even lighter. Only waves, made of cotton panniers are brighter.

You can order this nuno felted baby blanket in my Etsy shop:

Happy felting and warm up your little ones with softest cute blankets:)

This felt wool blanket you can order inmy Etsy shop.

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