2012 m. spalio 31 d., trečiadienis

Baltic Amber

Today it is the first anniversary of my WoolenClogs shop! I am glad that my  wool felted clogs (mostly made of Lithuanian sheep wool) reached my customers in all over the world:) They were shipped to Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil etc. I wish a warm wearing to all my customers!

I have just finished the second pair of the clogs with Baltic amber. Amber is often titled the “Lithuanian gold” – it is something uniquely Lithuanian. And natural :) I like how it harmonizes with the wool.
White felted clogs with an amber  - we have made them together with my sister Eigile. She is on vacation from her school now. We had a real crafters workshop at my house:)
The brown felted clogs imitate carved wooden clogs. "Carvings" are traditional Lithuanian ornaments.  

2012 m. spalio 27 d., šeštadienis

Žiema ant nosies / Winter is coming soon

The first snow showed up yesterday. Time to prepare for the Winter!

It is very important to keep your feet warm, the best way to do that is to wear organic wool felt shoes . I made them of just sheared and carded rough Lithuanian sheep wool. They are very warm and massages the feet. An ankle of the shoes is knitted from the merino wool (also Lithuanian), which I spinned with my antique spinning wheel 

I've mentioned the first snow - here it is:

Snow covered my rose garden... My kids were making a snowman today:))) Beautiful Winter, but I will miss my roses and warmth. Thinking of that, I have made a wool felt wrist warmers which reminds of a pink rose petals. Batt for these warmers I made with my drum carder. I've mixed pink and white shades of different fibers. 50% softest merino wool, about 40% silk and a bit of ramie and bamboo fibers. Wrist warmers are warm, very thin, light and soft like a rose petals:

Now all my thoughts are going to concentrate on... Upcoming Christmas rush! Like a year ago, I will help Santa Clause to make warm wishes come true:) Here are the first signs - these warm beauties are preparing to fly to Japan:

2012 m. spalio 11 d., ketvirtadienis

TM Woolen Clogs

Prekiniai ženklai buvo pradėti naudoti viduramžiais, kai iš amatininkų bei pirklių gildijų narių buvo reikalaujama pažymėti savas prekes. Tokiu būdu buvo supaprastinta gamybos bei prekybos apskaita, nekokybiškų prekių kontrolė. (wikipedija - nesolidus bet patogus šaltinis).
Aš savo klumpaitėms ženklą gavau iš draugės dailininkės mainais į veltinukes jos mergytei. Idealus, a? :)

Kalbant apie gildijas - Lietuvos veltinio amatininkų gildiją įsteigėme vasarą, įregistruota buvo prieš 5 dienas. Kalbėti pradėjome su pamišusiomis dėl šio rankdarbio moterimis jau senokai, pagaliau tai tapo kūnu:) Žavingos protingos merginos susirinko, dauguma įsivėlusios į šį reikalą beaugindamos vaikus, gavusios atokvėpį nuo įprastų darbų. Kirba noras pagarbinti Lietuvą suteikiančią tokią progą mamoms. Kada nors susikaupsiu tokiam rašymui.

O dabar mano veltos klumpės, ir šių metų naujienos ir pernykštės senienos: