2012 m. spalio 31 d., trečiadienis

Baltic Amber

Today it is the first anniversary of my WoolenClogs shop! I am glad that my  wool felted clogs (mostly made of Lithuanian sheep wool) reached my customers in all over the world:) They were shipped to Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil etc. I wish a warm wearing to all my customers!

I have just finished the second pair of the clogs with Baltic amber. Amber is often titled the “Lithuanian gold” – it is something uniquely Lithuanian. And natural :) I like how it harmonizes with the wool.
White felted clogs with an amber  - we have made them together with my sister Eigile. She is on vacation from her school now. We had a real crafters workshop at my house:)
The brown felted clogs imitate carved wooden clogs. "Carvings" are traditional Lithuanian ornaments.  

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