2012 m. lapkričio 7 d., trečiadienis

Boiled wool

Boiled wool projects are my new interest. I wanted to make booties with a high top, but the firm wool felt didn't satisfy me. Feltmakers in Lithuania like to use the knitted tops for their felted slippers, here is one I which admire: Onstail by Ramune. Few days ago I was looking for a beautiful warm items for a treasury list and almost all of them were Lithuanian. I don't know if our taste coincides or Lithuanian feltmakers really are the best:) 
So, a thought came to my mind, that I can use knitted boot tops, but before adding them to the clogs, I can felt them. Knit is too loose, but felting makes it soft and wind resistant. I've bought 100% wool yarn of natural colors (made of the same kinds of wool, which I use for my felt clogs):

I remembered a lessonby Liecel Tverli Scully , knitted a big 100% wool leg warmers and tried to felt them in my washing machine, which is automatic and cannot be opened during the process... I will not show what I got out from there at the end of washing :)))... Don't do it, the process of fulling should be under you control! Then I found the tips for boiled wool . I've tried that too:

My husband came out angry from his office looking for the source of the terrible smell... Ok, I dropped the experiments and felted the knits by hand.  While felting, knitted leggings shrink twice. I am satisfied by the results:

The leg warmers appeared to be so comfortable, that I couldn't take them off after taking pictures:) They look nice with the shoes as well as with the clogs, so I decided not to sew them to the clogs, but leave as woolen leg warmers :

4 komentarai:

  1. Laba diena ,norejau paklaust ,kodel nerasote lietuviskai ?

  2. Rašau, kai rašymas skirtas vien lietuviškai skaitantiems:)

  3. Laba,getras mezgate ranka ar mezgimo masina?Kiek mazdaug akiu uzmetate.kad susitraukus gautusi kaip tik.:)

    1. Mezgimo malūnu arba rankomis, akių skaičius visiškai priklauso nuo konkrečių siūlų storio ir susivėlimo. Skirtingai labai veliasi visi vilnoniai siūlai, turite daryti mėginukus ir apskaičuoti.
