2013 m. liepos 30 d., antradienis

Vacation, linen, dress and loafers

There is no better place in Summer than Lithuania. I love my rich green wet warm land :)
Some of my Summer and new creations:

Nuno felted dress, made of linen and merino wool Leda loves it :)

Stylish loafers, why not to make them of wool :))) Felted wool slipper loafers

And a bit play with plant dyeing and curls  Wild felt handbag

2013 m. liepos 6 d., šeštadienis

Lithuanian feltmakers Summer camp 2013

Last summer Lithuanian feltmakers joined into association. This year we had a great event of our association - Lithuanian feltmakers summer camp. Skilful felmakers participated there 4 days. We shared our skills, painted pieces with plants, joined all our ideas and fantasies into one big common piece of art – 3D panel "the bottom of the lake"

The whole story is here

Here are few moments: