2013 m. rugsėjo 28 d., šeštadienis

Fingerless knit gloves

My mother in law told me, that she used to knit fabulous mittens. Her mittens were taken to exhibition once. After, she raised her four sons, went to work, her hobbies were left behind. Now she is grandmothering my youngest daughter Leda. During granddaughter's day nap she remembered her knitting passion:)
And I have a passion of searching organic materials - wool and yarn for my felting projects. My supplyers from Germany makes wool which I use for felted shoes and a beautiful yarn - clean and pure, not chemically treated. Merino wool is washed in mountain rivers, carded and spun into yarn.

I offer these wonderful knit fingerless gloves  in my Etsy shop - natural wool colors match beautifully with my felted shoes, clogs and leg warmers. She is making more beautiful designs of the gloves and mittens.
The first ones are fingerless by my request. Very warm and comfortable, especially when it is chilly, but you need to use your fingers - when driving, taking photos, using phone, keyboard:

Did I ever mentioned, that this car was made by my husband Albertas? Well it was :) Few years ago, he bought a book "Build your own Sports Car", a welding machine, some steel... And now Haynes Roadster 7 is finished, nice car:) Pity, that our climate is a little bit too cold for cabriolet...

2013 m. rugsėjo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Felted stone

Felted stone - an old dreem of mine:

And new wild looking step-in shoes. I love this model - short soft knitted-felted trim and solid wool felt shoe. Very comfortable felted shoes will fly to Finland tomorrow:)

2013 m. rugsėjo 15 d., sekmadienis

Felted Water / Veltas Vaduo

Ar žinojote, kad spalio 5 diena yra tarptautinė veltinio diena? :) Šiais metais FeltUnited komanda paskelbė jai temą Vanduo.
Lietuvos veltinio amatininkų gildija ta proga ruošiasi parodai ta pačia tema. Mano pasiruošimai juda link pabaigos. 

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