2014 m. sausio 23 d., ketvirtadienis


My son had to tell about is his mothers profession during his English lesson last week. He tried to describe what I am doing. Together with his teacher they decided that I am a shoemaker:) OK let it be so :)
In recent couple of years I really focused in studying the secrets of shoemaking. Reading history, studying materials, communicating and cooperating with creative shoemakers and shoe designers. The most helpful for me were practical advices of an old shoemaker. He explained what are the most important things for a comfortable shoes. Height of counter, sole deflection, durability of materials etc. Combined these tips with my knowledge of the possibilities of felt my felted wool footwear was be made into very warm comfortable shoes. And now a lot of wearers are enjoying my felt boots in all over the world.

With proper materials, tools and skills feltmakers can make comfortable shoes. Here are few tips about how to do it:
1. Proper materials . Felted wool should hold the shape very well and not loose it after months of wearing. I use rough robust wool, which structure is not damaged with chemicals it is not carbonized and dyed. If you use dyed thin wools, then your shoes will need additional heel and toe supports.
Soles for the felt boots should be deep with an edges for stitching. Such soles gives additional support to the shape of the boot and can be stitched to the felt boots.
When glueing special cardboard heel pad or leather is necessary between the felted shoe and the soles
2. Tools. One of the most important tools for a proper shoes are the shoe lasts. They should fit the soles perfectly. If you want to have comfortable flexible shoes, shape of the sole should repeat the shape of the shoe which is stitched to it. I ordered few new models of the shoe lasts. They were designed especially for the soles which I found very suitable for felt boots:

One more important thing - strong stitches. This is easy, when soles repeat the shape of the shoe lasts. Felted footwear made on them fits perfectly - no empty spaces, no bended rubber edges appear. Well, this part of the job - glueing and stitching - I give to do to a real shoemaker, because it requires strong fingers. If you want to make it by yourself - use adhesive for shoes and leather stitching needles.

Supplies for shoemaking you can find in my Etsy shop

2014 m. sausio 19 d., sekmadienis

Felt wedge boots

Felt wedge boots for my mom. Just finished them, almost in time for Winter :)

 You can make your owd felted boots, using such shoe lasts for felting and wedge rubber soles

2014 m. sausio 18 d., šeštadienis

Felted cap

Real Winter came to Lithuania few days ago. Very cold... Knitted cap couldn't protect from cold wind. Felted one is thin but wind resistant and so warm:)
I made myself a felted cap of softest merino wool and shiny viscose:

2014 m. sausio 8 d., trečiadienis

Felted wool bag "Roses"

New felted wool bag with roses. With leather straps, pocket inside. I loved making it ...after I made a mountain of slippers and boots.

In the process: