2016 m. spalio 25 d., antradienis

Toasty Feet

Keep your feet warm - wool is the best friend in Winter.

Crochet and felted slipper socks
On crochet and felted wool rug bright colours hidden in thewool felt gives a mossy look:
 Or your choice can be Pink chrochet wool rug
Or brighter Red round rug

2016 m. rugsėjo 2 d., penktadienis

Woolen rugs and mats

Warm season is getting to the end, wool is my friend again :)
I love crochet from big thick yarn fluffy cozy items. And if make this from wool - I can felt it, surface becomes smooth and soft - real pleasure for feet and paws. Crochet wool rugs

Woolen cat mat

Or whatever :)))

2016 m. sausio 5 d., antradienis

Woolen leg warmers

Really cold Winter came to Lithuania this January. Beautiful views, joy of skiing together with harsh cold, long nights and ...evenings perfect for knitting :) Big thick wool leg warmers, first knitted and then felted:

Mossy green wool leg warmers

Bordeaux maroon leg warmers